Support and Resources
If you are a survivor or lay advocate, you may have come to this page because you or someone you know has experienced spiritual, sexual, or physical abuse in a Christian setting. Please know that you are not alone in your efforts to secure justice and create change. Your voice, life, and safety are precious and should be protected.
Recommended Resources for Survivors and Advocates
Frequently Asked Questions
Below we address a few questions survivors have frequently asked about resources and our services. More specific questions or concerns can be sent to
Can individuals commission a GRACE investigation? GRACE is only able to conduct an investigation when in a contractual relationship with a church or organization. Cooperation is key, as GRACE does not have the power to compel participation, release of documents, or participation in interviews. If you would like to share information about GRACE’s Institutional Response services with your church leadership, the following resource could be helpful: Independent Investigations - Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet
Can GRACE recommend a church? GRACE cannot recommend specific churches, as we cannot confirm that a church we may have worked with in the past has maintained a healthy and safe environment. We also cannot enforce the implementation of any recommendations we offer. If you are looking for a church to attend, it is important for a church to have a thorough safeguarding policy that provides
Clear direction for responding to allegations of abuse or misconduct.
Clear direction for responding to boundary violations.
Clear steps of accountability for all, including leadership
Direction for all in the church or organization to follow if they have any concerns.
The policy should be readily accessible by anyone who attends, and you can ask to see their policy. Additionally, you can ask church leadership if they consider themselves mandated reporters of child abuse. You can also ask leaders about their understanding of trauma and how that understanding of trauma shapes their understanding of pastoral care.
You may find Toward a More Trauma-Informed Church by GRACE Executive Director Pete Singer helpful; this piece outlines some ways churches can consider engaging the Six Principles of Trauma-Informed Care. Victor Veith and Pete Singer have also written on the spiritual impact of abuse, and this article speaks to the importance of being equipped, as a community of faith, to care for victims of abuse.
You may find Toward a More Trauma-Informed Church by GRACE Executive Director Pete Singer helpful; this piece outlines some ways churches can engage the Six Principles of Trauma-Informed Care. Victor Veith (a GRACE board member) and Pete Singer have also written on the spiritual impact of abuse, and this article speaks to the importance of being equipped, as a community of faith, to care for victims of abuse.
Can GRACE recommend a therapist? GRACE does not recommend specific therapists, but we strongly recommend that you seek out a therapist who specializes in trauma. The therapist should also understand and employ trauma-informed practices. Please see more advice here: Finding A Trauma Therapist- Ideas, Insights, Questions to Ask.