Jesus repeatedly spoke up on behalf of the weak, marginalized, and wounded.
Reflecting Jesus means we listen to the wounded, affirm the broken, and defend the vulnerable—regardless of the cost. (cf. Matthew 25:40, 45)
A church that reflects Jesus will be a safe community for the suffering, wounded, and vulnerable.
Faith communities ought to be the safest place for victims; a place where offenders are held accountable.
The Church must become the community where those with the most painful histories are affirmed, loved, and defended. (cf. Matthew 25:40)
You do not need a tragic experience in order to support and love those experiencing tragedies.
If you know someone who is abusing, expose it. Do not leave the victim or perpetrator in the darkness. You become complicit if you do. (cf. Luke 8:17; Ephesians 5:11)
Any church that redefines or minimizes abuse instead of stopping it is not a safe place and is contradicting the clear command of Jesus to welcome the vulnerable as we would welcome God (cf. Matthew 25:40; Mark 9:36-37).