Change the world.

As GRACE continues in its mission to educate and empower individuals, institutions, and local faith communities to recognize and respond to child abuse, we humbly ask for your support.

Because such a vital mission requires financial support, we ask that you consider making a generous tax-deductible gift to GRACE. With your prayers and financial support we can make a greater impact in this world.

Visit our “Ways To Give” page to explore all the ways you can support the work of GRACE, such as



One-Time Donation

The secure service we use, Funraise, protects your privacy and security when you are donating online. Funraise supports credit cards and E-Check.

Monthly Donation

By giving a recurring monthly donation to GRACE, you provide reliable support that helps us plan and sustain our work year-round.



Send a Check By Mail

When you send a check, you can dedicate it in honor or memory of someone special in your life. Please mail your check and the printable donation form to:

4026 Wards Road
Unit G1, # 198
Lynchburg, VA 24502

Please make your checks payable to “GRACE”.


We also accept PayPal donations, which is another safe and secure way to donate online.


Download/View our Gift Acceptance Policy

GRACE is a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
All donations are tax deductible. No goods or services will
be provided in exchange for the contribution.

Thank You.